See Item #29 on list below.
Notice of Public Meeting
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Pershing County Courthouse
All items on this agenda are approximate. Consideration of items may require more or less time than is scheduled. Items assigned times will not be discussed prior to their assigned times. Items on the agenda may be taken out of order. The public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration. The public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion at any time.
Lower Level – Round Room-400 Main Street, Lovelock, Nevada
8:30 a.m. Call meeting to order; Pledge of Allegiance; Discussion and for Possible Action on Correction/Approval of Minutes.
8:31 a.m. PUBLIC INPUT: (Public comments and discussion. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action will be taken. Public commentary will generally be limited to 5 minutes per person.)
Review of all agenda items to determine if any do or do not impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business or directly restrict the formation, operation or expansion of a business-Discussion and for Possible Action.
8:35 a.m. Years of Service Award/Certificate- Discussion and for Possible Action.
UNCLASSIFIED DEPARTMENTS: Discussion and for Possible Action:
Road Department: Department update; Road reports.
Landfill Matters: Discussion regarding matters relating to the Landfill/Transfer sites; Approval to renew Contract with Hoss Disposal for Rural Solid Waste Collection Services.
Senior Center/Volunteer Coordinator: Department update.
Buildings & Grounds: Department update; Marianne Papa-2016 Frontier Days-Discussion regarding issues relating certain booths at the event.
Community Center/Economic Development: Department update; Approval of Construction Contract with Ferrel Construction for kitchen remodel project.
Pershing Co. Fire/Ambulance: Discussion and for Possible Action:
1. Pershing Co. Fire Coordinator report.
2. Ambulance report.
3. Lovelock Fire Dept. report.
4. Grass Valley Fire Dept. report.
5. Imlay Fire Dept. report; Approval 2016 Agreement: Imlay Volunteer Fire Station Project.
6. Rye Patch Fire Dept. report.
Library: Department update.
Cooperative Ag Extension: Department update.
Community Health Nurse: Department update.
Safety: Department update.
Public Defender: Department update.
Pershing Co. Emergency Operations Manager-LEPC update and report.
9:00 a.m. Bid Award: Pershing County Road Department Type II Pavement Bid- Discussion and for Possible Action.
ELECTED DEPARTMENTS: Discussion and for Possible Action:
Lacey Donaldson, Clerk-Treasurer: Department update; Approval of corrections/changes to the Tax Roll.
Rene Childs, Auditor-Recorder: Department update.
Lauri Cerini-Jones, Assessor: Department update.
Bryce Shields, District Attorney: Department update.
Karen Stephens, Justice Court: Department update.
Proclamations and Awards: Discussion and for Possible Action-(The Pershing County Board of Commissioners may make a Proclamation or present a service or other award on behalf of the County)-National Government Week; National Volunteer Week.
Television Advisory Board: Approval for “Out of State” travel; higher hotel room rate, for two TV board members to attend the Annual Broadcasters Conference in Spokane, WA. On May 13-15, 2016- Discussion and for Possible Action
9:15 a.m. Bid Opening/Award: “Pershing County Court House Window Replacement Project”- Discussion and for Possible Action.
Salary Resolution: V. Phillips (Assessor’s Office)- Discussion and for Possible Action.
Approval of amended Special Assessment with the Lovelock Valley Groundwater Basin for Fiscal Year July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017, in the amount of $2,940.05, pursuant to NRS 534.040(2)-Discussion and for Possible Action.
9:30 a.m. Bid Opening/Award-“Pershing County Court House Floor Project”- Discussion and for Possible Action.
9:40 a.m. Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance #321, an Ordinance establishing Chapter 13.40 entitled “Pershing County Cemeteries-Discussion and for Possible Action.
9:50 a.m. Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance #322, an Ordinance amending Chapter 2.28 of the Pershing County Code, entitled “County Cemetery”, providing for the establishment of the “Pershing County Cemetery Advisory Board” and for the repeal of all in conflict herewith-Discussion and for Possible Action.
10:00 a.m. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MATTERS: Discussion and for Possible Action:
A. Department Update.
IMLAY WATER SYSTEM: Discussion and for Possible Action:
A. Update on matters relating to the Imlay Water System.
10:05 a.m. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MATTERS: Discussion and for Possible Action:
A. Update on matters relating to the Building Department.
Advisory Board Appointments/Resignations: Library; Veterans Committee; Broadband; Museum; Television (1County/1 City); Solid Waste Management & Recycling (1 County At Large); Natural Resource Commission (Seat F-Wildlife/ Seat G-Wildlife) – Discussion and for Possible Action.
Pershing County appointment to the Selective Service System Local Board- Discussion and for Possible Action.
WNDD: Approval of projects and priorities for the Pershing Co. Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Plan-Discussion and for Possible Action.
10:30 a.m. Jerry Allen, Pershing County Sheriff: Discussion and for Possible Action:
Update on matters relating to the Pershing County Sheriff’s Office.
Decision for 2016 Burning Man Event-Separate Command or Integrated Command.
Approval of Vouchers-Discussion and for Possible Action.
Litigation Meeting.
Report from Legal Counsel.
Report from Administrative Assistant-County Commissioner’s Office.
11:00 a.m. Public Hearing: Rod St. Clair-Applications 85901 and 85902, both the proposed points of diversion are in the Mud Meadow Hydrographic Basin (026), which propose to change the point of diversion from Pershing County to Brady’s Hot Springs Area, Hydrographic Basin (075), Fernley Areas, Hydrographic Basin (076), Tracy Segment Hydrographic Basin (083), Carson Desert Hydrographic Basin (101, Churchill Valley Hydrographic Basin (102) and the Dayton Valley Hydrographic Basin (103)– Discussion and for Possible Action.
11:15 a.m. Update on the Wilderness Lands Bill (Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act)-Discussion regarding Disposal of Specified BLM Lands; Disposition of Proceeds, Authorized Land Conveyances, Conveyance of Specified LBM Lands to Pershing County (Unionville Cemetery), Designation of Specified Wilderness Areas, Release of Selected Wilderness Study Areas; Approval to send comment letter or other action by the Board of Commissioners-Discussion and for Possible Action.
Matters of the Board for Discussion.
Board Member reports. Board Liaison reports. (Nevada Works, Safety, Hospital Board, Emergency Management, Cemetery, Recreation Board, WNDD, Pe. Co. Economic Dev./ , Community Center, Museum, Library Board, Senior Center Advisory Board, Central Nevada Water Authority, Planning Board, Broadband Advisory Board, 911 Committee, Solid Waste Management Recycling Advisory Board, Pe. Co. Volunteer Advisory Board, T. V. Board, Frontier Coalition, Humboldt River Water Basin Authority.)
PUBLIC INPUT: (Public comments and discussion. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action will be taken. Public commentary will generally be limited to 5 minutes per person.)
NOTICE: The County Commission may by law receive information from legal counsel regarding potential or existing litigation involving a matter over which the County Commission has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power, and such gathering does not constitute a meeting of the County Commission pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 241.015.
Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the COUNTY CLERK, 775-273-2208, as soon as possible. Supporting material for the meeting may be requested by contacting Karen Wesner at the Pe. Co. Comm. Office-775-273-2342 or
Pershing County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer and will not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment or services in an unlawful manner.
This Agenda is posted at the following locations:
Lovelock City Hall Lower Level-Round Room Imlay Post Office
Lovelock Post Office Pershing County Library Courthouse Entrance
Pershing County Administration Building
MEETING DATE: Wednesday, April 6, 2016
DATE POSTED: March 31, 2016 POSTED
Karen T. Wesner, Administrative Assistant