NOTICE: Suction Dredging and the environment

Miners Rick Eddy (California, Western Mining Alliance) and Rick Barclay (Oregon, Galice Mining District) will be the featured speakers on Oregon Public Radio tomorrow (Thursday 10 December) from 8:00 – 8:30 a.m.

The topic is suction dredging and the environment. The program will allow environmental groups to speak for 30 minutes following the dredgers discussion (so they get the last word). They will also allow call in comments. If you’re able, please tune in and provide support for our guys trying to explain the facts on suction dredging. You can also call in with comments.

You know the media, if they see a huge response of public interest, they may keep covering the story.

The call in number is 800-838-3760, you can go to to tune in via computer.


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