May’s Club Meeting is Cancelled

Greetings members!

With the “Stage One’ re-openings, we are beginning to see a glimmer of hope that we’ll be able to resume our meetings; regretfully I don’t see a way we’ll be able to meet for May. We’ll be sure to notify everyone once we’re able to restart. Please remember to file assessment reports! You can send them through our form via the website or even through the mail. It is critical we track work done on the claims as it is a requirement for the annual maintenance paperwork. If you typically turn in assessment reports at our meetings, please consider sending them to us another way, at least during the duration of the crisis.

As discussed at our last live meeting, we have notified the owner of the 44 Special claim that we are not renewing our licence agreement. Comstock club members are to cease prospecting this claim upon receipt of this newsletter. The maps will be removed from the website shortly. Thank you for your understanding.

Wade Lavery is continuing to take Bill’s membership data and rework it into something more user friendly. It’s been a difficult process, especially in these trying times, but the club will end up with a up to date process that will be easier to transfer to our next Membership Chair.

I hope you’re able to take advantage of the spring weather; I’d just like to remind our members to stay safe while in the field. The water will be high and cold for another month our two, please prepare and prospect accordingly.

I very sincerely hope to resume our normal activities soon. I also hope to see you all out on our claims, moving dirt!

Justin Shaw

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